Time & Location
10 Nov 2019, 10:00 am
Bicentennial Park, Kable Ave, Tamworth NSW 2340, Australia
Walk 'n' Talk For Life is an action group of caring people who want to make a difference with mental health and preventing suicide in our community. Everyone in our Tamworth community and region are welcome. We want to bring people together in a relaxed way to walk and talk about anything!
We meet at the yellow WALK n TALK marquee which will be located on the Bicentennial Park side of the ‘Tamworth Regional Playground’ (opposite the big slide), Kable Avenue.
You will get a warm friendly welcome and a free tshirt before the Walk 'n' Talk For Life founder Shannon Nevin says a few words. Then we’ll do the easy ‘Peel River Walk’ starting from the yellow WALK n TALK marquee up to, and over, the Jewry bridge crossing and back along the river on the sports fields side… to the foot bridge into Bicentennial Park… taking approx. 1 hour
There will be a complimentary BBQ after the walk, but dont forget your water bottles and to slip slop slap!
Walk ‘n’ Talk For Life events are in NSW & QLD cities and towns, initiated by Mr Shannon Nevin to bring people together & support each other through hardship, especially to help prevent suicide. Shannon is a fitness trainer and knows fresh air, exercise and being with others is vital to dealing with difficulties. Shannon will be there to say a few words on the day.
Parking: There is plenty of parking on Kable Avenue, Bicentennial Park White Street Carpark or on the south side Gipps St Carpark. - - - - - - https://walkntalkforlife.com.au/ @walkntalkforlife
We’re linking up with local clubs, mental health services and https://www.ruvolunteering.org.au/ if you’d like to join in and/or help from time to time.
Tamworth’s Action Group:
KATIE TAYLOR 0424 418 142
OLLY TAYLOR 0408165 865